Tommy Li is a branding consultant for the generation renowned for his “Black Humor” and “Audacious Visual” designs. Spanning Hong Kong, China, Macau, Japan and Italy, he is one of few designers who has penetrated in the international market. Tommy Li becomes a member of AGI in 2005 (a globally renowned alliance of designers, which its membership is limited to 300 persons only). In 2008, he has established the first creative-oriented web radio station – “Radio dada”.
李永銓 – 香港新一代品牌設計大師,設計風格獨特,以黑色幽默及視覺大膽見稱。業務範圍遍佈香港、中國、澳門、日本及義大利,唯少數能打出國際市場之模範。他於2005年成為AGI會員 (AGI是現今影響力最重要的設計師國際聯盟,全球會員限定為300人),並在2008年創辦香港首個以創意為主題之網上電台 -「Radio dada」。
Over the years, Tommy has received over 580 awards including but not limited to D&AD, GDC, HKDA Global Design Award, HKDC DFA, New York ADC, New York The One Show Design and Tokyo TDC. These awards are of vital significance in the design industry. All these accomplishments have made him a paragon among the young designers.
近年得獎超過580項,包括但不限於英國設計與藝術指導協會、香港設計師協會之環球設計大獎、香港設計中心之亞洲最具影響力設計獎, 紐約藝術指導協會年度獎、紐約金鉛筆獎和東京藝術指導協會年度獎。這些成就使成為年青一代設計師的典範。